Kid’s Tricycle Baby Bike & Back Carrier – Black
Kid’s Toddler Tricycle Baby Bike with Push Handle is the perfect way to introduce your little one to the joys of cycling. With a sturdy plastic construction and an attractive design, this tricycle is ideal for children aged 1.5 to 4 years old. The push handle allows parents to guide their child as they learn to pedal, while the back carrier provides a convenient place to store toys or snacks. This bike is available in black and blue, and is sure to be a hit with kids and parents alike.
Looking to buy kid’s bikes in Uganda today? Elly Deals has a variety of Baby Bike with Push Handle online. Purchase your kids bicycle now and enjoy same-day / next-day delivery.
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- Sturdy plastic construction
- Push handle for parent-guided riding
- Back carrier for storage
- Attractive design
- Suitable for children aged 1.5 to 4 years old
- Introduce your child to the joys of cycling at an early age
- Help your child develop balance, coordination, and motor skills
- Enjoy quality time with your child as you guide them on their first rides
- Provide a safe and fun way for your child to explore their surroundings
- Keep your child entertained and engaged with the back carrier for toys or snacks.